How Safe and Healthy is My Home?
Are you concerned your home may have some health hazards that are impacting the quality of life of your family and/or those who visit your home? If so, Green & Healthy Homes Initiative Detroit-Wayne County has developed a free, secure, and confidential survey to help identify health hazards and the resources to help remove them.
Please take a few moments to complete the “How Safe is my Home?” survey by clicking here. Upon completing the survey you will receive a report on the top hazards that exist in your home along with contact information or organizations that will be able to assist you.
Resources for Green & Healthy Homes Initiative Detroit-Wayne County
- Green & Healthy Homes Initiative Detroit-Wayne County is partnered with many organizations dedicated to creating green, healthy and safe homes for children and families in Detroit and Wayne County. Together we have searched our collective list of green & healthy home resources for you. Below you will find contact information for organizations that can help you address hazards in your home
- CLEARCorps Detroit: 313-924-4000
- CDBG Home Repair Program, Detroit Planning and Development Department: 313-224-3461 (Those eligible for the grant must have homeowners insurance and be current on property taxes.)
- Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, Michigan Chapter: 248-406-4254
- Wayne Children’s Healthcare Access Program: 313-863-2427
- Children’s Hospital of Michigan (Asthma, Allergy and Immunology): 313-745-5437
Carbon Monoxide and Fuel Combustion Products
- Children’s Hospital of Michigan: 313-745-0072
- CLEARCorps Detroit: 313-924-4000
- City of Detroit Fire Department Community Relations: 313-596-2900
- Detroit Buildings, Safety Engineering and Environmental Department: 313-628-2451
- DTE Energy: (800) 947-5000
Crowding and Space
- The Property Maintenance Division of the Detroit Buildings, Safety Engineering and Environmental Department: 313-628-2451
- Young Detroit Builders: 313-964-2763
- CLEARCorps Detroit: 313-924-4000
Damp and Mold Growth
- Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, Michigan Chapter: 248-406-4254
- Wayne Children’s Healthcare Access Program: 313-863-2427
Domestic Hygiene, Pests and Refuse
- Detroit Department of Public Works: 313-876-0974
- Institute for Population Health: 313-324-9501
Electrical Hazards
- The Property Maintenance Division of the Detroit Buildings, Safety Engineering and Environmental Department: 313-628-2451
- CDBG Home Repair Program, Detroit Planning and Development Department: 313- 224-3461
Environmental Tobacco Smoke
- The Michigan Medicaid Assistance Program: 800-803-7174 or 888-367-6557
- The Michigan Tobacco Quit Line: 800-784-8669
Excess Cold
- DTE Energy: 866-796-0512
- Wayne Metro’s Weatherization Assistance Program: 734-525-1341
- CLEARCorps Detroit: 313-924-4000
Excess Heat
- DTE Energy: 866-796-0512
- Cooling Centers – Your local Detroit Public Library
- Young Detroit Builders (low cost carpentry for things like help opening windows that are painted shut): 313-964-2763
- The Property Maintenance Division of the Detroit Buildings, Safety Engineering and Environmental Department: 313-628-2451
Falls and Unintentional Injuries
- CDBG Home Repair Program, Detroit Planning and Development Department: 313- 224-3461
- Young Detroit Builders (low-cost carpentry) 313-964-2763
- If renting, call the Detroit Buildings, Safety Engineering and Environmental Department: 313-628-2451
- Detroit Area Agency on Aging: 313-446-4444
- Children’s Hospital Smoke Alarm Installation Program – Kohl’s Injury Prevention Program: 313-745-0072
Food Safety
- Institution for Population Health: 313-324-9482
- New Refrigerator Program, CLEARCorps Detroit: 313-924-4000
Flames and Hot Surfaces
- Children’s Hospital Smoke Alarm Installation Program – Kohl’s Injury Prevention Program: 313-745-0072
- Detroit Receiving Hospital Ambulatory Burn Clinic: 313-745-3449
- Children’s Hospital of Michigan Burn Center: 313-745-5437
- Ask your family doctor or pediatrician to do a blood lead test on your child at 12 months and 24 months of age. Medicaid insurance will pay for the cost of the test if your child is enrolled. If you have priavte insurance, coverage may vary. If your child needs a blood test, but your insurance will not pay for it, or you cannot afford to pay for it, the fee can be waived with permission from the laboratory. Call your local health department or the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program at (517) 335-8885 if you have further questions about getting your child tested for lead poisoning.
- For lead abatement in Detroit contact the City of Detroit Planning and Development Department at (313) 224-6380 or CLEARCorps/Detroit (313) 924-4000.
- Use a qualified Lead Inspector/Risk Assessor to ensure that your Lead Inspection/Risk Assessment is thorough, accurate, and meets the requirements of City of Detroit Property Maintenance Code. Refer to the list of State of Michigan certified Lead Inspectors/Risk Assessors or the list of recommended Lead Inspector/Risk Assessors recommended by the Detroit Enforcement Work Group.
- A list of EPA-recognized testing kits can be found at
Personal Hygiene, Sanitation and Drainage
- Detroit Department of Public Works: 313-224-3901
- CLEARCorps Detroit, Housing Services Division: 313-628-2565
Poisonous Products in Reach of Children
- Children’s Hospital of Michigan Regional Poison Control Center: 800-222-1222
Structural Collapse and Falling Elements
- CDBG Home Repair Program, Detroit Planning and Development Department: 313-224-3461 (Those eligible for the grant must have homeowners insurance and be current on property taxes)
- Young Detroit Builders (low cost carpentry): 313-964-2763
- If renting, call the Detroit Buildings, Safety Engineering and Environmental Department: 313-628-2451
Volatile Organic Compounds
- The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, Michigan Chapter: 248-406-4254
- Wayne Children’s Healthcare Access Program (WCHAP): 313-863- 2427
- Children’s Hospital of Michigan (Asthma, Allergy and Immunology): 313-745-5437
Water Supply
- If behind on water bill, call the Detroit Water & Sewerage: 313-267-8000
- State Emergency Relief Home Repair Services, Michigan Department of Human Services (only for homeowners): 313-456-1000